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Reflection of Monks Crossing a Wooden Bridge

The Kinda-like-a Magazine


Who can Submit

  • Any Students/Teens!

  • Artists!

  • Writers!


What to Submit

We accept all types of work! But to adhere to our mission, find out what you can submit below for specifics!


How to Submit

Please submit your pieces either through dm or to our email with the answers to the questions posted blow.

Seasonal Editions Timeline:
Spring issue: Feb. 11-April 15
Summer issue: May 11-July 15
Fall issue: Aug. 11-Oct. 15
Winter issue: Nov. 11-Jan. 15​

Types of Accepted Work

Though we accept all types of submissions, we would like you to, if possible, adhere to the guidelines listed below.

  • Writers: You can submit anything you would like but we would like to prioritize writings that are related to helping and will be of use to other students/teens reading our issues. We recommend pieces that include recommendations (like songs to listen to; books to read; movies to watch; places to go, to shop); inspiring (lesson) stories; favorite/inspiring quotes; self-discovery journies; MS/HS tips; hobby tips; how-to-steps; important (world) topics; activism; resetting for your school year, etc. 

  • Artists: You can submit any artwork (drawings/photographs/digital art/graphic art) that you would like but we would like to prioritize artworks that will help people. Such as pictures of aesthetically pleasing, soothing, or calming scenes like sunsets, golden hour, reflections of shadows, moon, stars, rainbows, nature, etc.

  • Again, all types of artworks and writings are welcome but pieces that include the above, are preferred.

The Questions

Please answer these questions in order to submit and for each piece that you submit.

  1. What is your name and would you like your full name published? If not, tell me how you would like it to be published.

  2. Would you like your social media handle to be published (Instagram) wise) or write a one-three sentence bio. *OPTIONAL*

  3. What are the titles of your pieces?

  4. Please write a one-three sentences explaining how you connect to your piece(s) and how you hope it helps people.

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